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Currently the implementation is n_time module . The following is its doc:

Warning: A few of the format directives for strftime/strptime are not supported, and using them causes AssertDefect. They are listed in nstrfptime.NotImplDirectives


DefaultTimeFormat = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"
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proc asctime(): PyStr {....raises: [], tags: [TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
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func asctime(t: Some_struct_time): PyStr


assert asctime(gmtime(0)) == "Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970"
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proc ctime(): PyStr {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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proc ctime(secs: float | int64): PyStr
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proc strftime(format: PyStr): PyStr {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [TimeEffect],
                                      forbids: [].}
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func strftime(format: PyStr; st: Some_struct_time): PyStr
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proc strptime(s: PyStr; format = DefaultTimeFormat): struct_time {.
    ...raises: [ValueError, TimeParseError, TimeFormatParseError],
    tags: [TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
Warning: In current implementation, whitespace in format string means itself AS-IS, unlike C or Python, where any whitespace means a serial of any whitespaces. If really wanting the behavior of C's, consider using std/strscan.
Warning: Current strptime is just locale-unaware, when it comes to "the locale's format", like "%x", it always uses the format of "C" locale, no matter what the locale is. a.k.a. Changing locale via C's api in <locale.h> doesn't affect this function.
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