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struct_time = ref object
  tm_year*: int
  tm_mon*: range[1 .. 12]
  tm_mday*: MonthdayRange
  tm_hour*: HourRange
  tm_min*: MinuteRange
  tm_sec*: range[0 .. 61]
  tm_wday*: range[0 .. 6]
  tm_yday*: range[1 .. 366]
  tm_isdst*: int
  tm_zone*: string           ## .. warning:: curently is only "LOCAL" or "Etc/UTC"
  tm_gmtoff*: int
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struct_time_tuple = tuple[tm_year: int, tm_mon: range[1 .. 12],
                          tm_mday: range[1 .. 31], tm_hour: range[0 .. 23],
                          tm_min: range[0 .. 59], tm_sec: range[0 .. 61],
                          tm_wday: range[0 .. 6], tm_yday: range[1 .. 366],
                          tm_isdst: int]
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struct_time_tuple10 = tuple[tm_year: int, tm_mon: range[1 .. 12],
                            tm_mday: range[1 .. 31], tm_hour: range[0 .. 23],
                            tm_min: range[0 .. 59], tm_sec: range[0 .. 61],
                            tm_wday: range[0 .. 6], tm_yday: range[1 .. 366],
                            tm_isdst: int, tm_zone: string]
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struct_time_tuple11 = tuple[tm_year: int, tm_mon: range[1 .. 12],
                            tm_mday: range[1 .. 31], tm_hour: range[0 .. 23],
                            tm_min: range[0 .. 59], tm_sec: range[0 .. 61],
                            tm_wday: range[0 .. 6], tm_yday: range[1 .. 366],
                            tm_isdst: int, tm_zone: string, tm_gmtoff: int]
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func `<`(a, b: struct_time): bool {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
compares based on fields. Source   Edit  
func `<`(a: struct_time; b: struct_time_tuple11): bool {....raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
compares based on fields. Source   Edit  
func `<`(a: struct_time_tuple11; b: struct_time): bool {....raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
compares based on fields. Source   Edit  
func `<`(st: struct_time; t: tuple): bool
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func `<`(t: tuple; st: struct_time): bool
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func `<=`(a, b: struct_time): bool {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
compares based on fields. Source   Edit  
func `<=`(a: struct_time; b: struct_time_tuple11): bool {....raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
compares based on fields. Source   Edit  
func `<=`(a: struct_time_tuple11; b: struct_time): bool {....raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
compares based on fields. Source   Edit  
func `<=`(st: struct_time; t: tuple): bool
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func `<=`(t: tuple; st: struct_time): bool
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func `==`(a, b: struct_time): bool {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
compares based on fields. Source   Edit  
func `==`(a: struct_time; b: struct_time_tuple11): bool {....raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
compares based on fields. Source   Edit  
func `==`(a: struct_time_tuple11; b: struct_time): bool {....raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
compares based on fields. Source   Edit  
func `==`(st: struct_time; t: tuple): bool {.inline.}
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func `==`(t: tuple; st: struct_time): bool {.inline.}
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func repr(st: struct_time): string {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}


returns string starting with "time.struct_time" with 9 fields.

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template initStructTime(): struct_time
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template initStructTime(year, mon, mday, hour, min, sec, wday, yday, isdst,
                        zone, gmtoff): struct_time
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template isUtcZone(st: struct_time): bool
zone is only local or utc Source   Edit