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strftime, strptime

platform independent implementation.


docTable = (module: ".. warning:: A few of the format directives for `strftime`/`strptime` are not supported,\r\n  and using them causes `AssertDefect`. They are listed in\r\n  `nstrfptime.NotImplDirectives<time_impl/nstrpftime.html#NotImplDirectives>`_", api: (data: [
    (0, "", ""), (0, "", ""), (0, "", ""), (505641947, "strptime", ".. warning:: In current implementation,\r\n  whitespace in format string means itself AS-IS, unlike C or Python,\r\n  where any whitespace means a serial of any whitespaces. If really\r\n  wanting the behavior of C\'s, consider using `std/strscan`.\r\n\r\n.. warning:: Current `strptime`\r\n  is just locale-unaware, when it comes to \r\n  \"the locale\'s format\", like `\"%x\"`, it always uses the format of\r\n  `\"C\" locale`, no matter what the locale is. a.k.a. Changing\r\n  locale via C\'s api in `<locale.h>` doesn\'t affect this function.\r\n"),
    (0, "", ""), (0, "", ""), (0, "", ""), (0, "", "")], counter: 1))
used to transport doc string to outer module. Source   Edit  
NotImplDirectives = {'j', 'w', 'y', 'U', 'Z'}

Here are their concrete meanings in Python, as well as some notes about why they cannot be directly mapped to Nim's DateTime.format/parse.

The direct alternative value when formatting in Nim, if any, is introduced by <-:

  • j: Day of the year as a decimal number [001,366]. <- DateTime.yearday + 1
  • w: Weekday [0(Sunday),6]. <- ( + 1) mod 7
  • y: Year without century as a decimal number [00,99]. <- DateTime.format"yy" When parsing, C/Python's %y use 20th or 21th centry depending on the value of %y Nim's yy use the current century
  • U: Week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number [00,53]. All days in a new year preceding the first Sunday are considered to be in week 0. Nim's V or VV is of range [1,53] (times.IsoWeekRange, get via DateTime.getIsoWeekAndYear) and use Monday as the first day of a week. (Nim's is iso-week, Python's is not)
  • Z: Time zone name (no characters if no time zone exists). Deprecated. Impossible to implement without interacting with C lib. Any way, it's deprecated.
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func strftime(format: string; dt: DateTime): string {....raises: [ValueError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
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proc strptime(dt: var DateTime; s: string; format_with_sp_asis: string) {.
    ...raises: [ValueError, TimeParseError, TimeFormatParseError],
    tags: [TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
Warning: In current implementation, whitespace in format string means itself AS-IS, unlike C or Python, where any whitespace means a serial of any whitespaces. If really wanting the behavior of C's, consider using std/strscan.
Warning: Current strptime is just locale-unaware, when it comes to "the locale's format", like "%x", it always uses the format of "C" locale, no matter what the locale is. a.k.a. Changing locale via C's api in <locale.h> doesn't affect this function.
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