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proc abspath[T](s: PathLike[T]): T
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func basename[T](s: PathLike[T]): T
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func dirname[T](s: PathLike[T]): T
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proc getatime[T](p: PathLike[T]): float
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proc getctime[T](p: PathLike[T]): float
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proc getmtime[T](p: PathLike[T]): float
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proc getsize[T](filename: PathLike[T]): int
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func isabs(s: PathLike): bool
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proc isdir(s: PathLike): bool
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proc isfile(s: PathLike): bool
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func join[T](a, b, c: PathLike[T]; ps: varargs[PathLike[T]]): T
..warning:: NIM-BUG: Currently this variant may fail to compile with Error: type mismatch Source   Edit  
func join[T](a, b: PathLike[T]): T
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proc normpath[T](s: PathLike[T]): T
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func relpath[T](p: PathLike[T]; start = curdir): T
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func samefile(a, b: PathLike): bool
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func split[T](p: PathLike[T]): (T, T)
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func splitdrive[T](p: PathLike[T]): (T, T)
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func splitext[T](p: PathLike[T]): (T, T)
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