FileExistsError = object of OSError
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FileNotFoundError = object of OSError
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IsADirectoryError = object of OSError
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NotADirectoryError = object of OSError
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proc isNotFound(err: OSErrorCode): bool {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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func pathsAsOne[T](a, b: PathLike[T]; sep = " -> "): string
- used when there are two pathes that needs to be reported in error message. called by raiseExcWithPath2 Source Edit
proc raiseErrno(additionalInfo = "") {....raises: [OSError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
- may raise OSError only Source Edit
proc raiseErrno(errno: cint; additionalInfo = "") {....raises: [OSError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
- may raise OSError only Source Edit
proc raiseErrnoWithPath[T](p: PathLike[T])
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proc raiseErrnoWithPath[T](p: PathLike[T]; errno: cint)
- raises OSError or its SubError. refer to errno even under Windows. Source Edit
func raiseExcWithPath(fp: PathLike; exc: typedesc; err: OSErrorCode)
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func raiseExcWithPath(fp: PathLike; exc: typedesc; err: OSErrorCode; additionalInfo: string)
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proc raiseExcWithPath(p: PathLike) {.sideEffect.}
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proc raiseExcWithPath(p: PathLike; errCode: OSErrorCode) {.sideEffect.}
- raises OSError or its one of SubError type Source Edit
proc raiseExcWithPath2(src, dst: PathLike)
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func raiseFileExistsError(fp: PathLike)
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func raiseFileNotFoundError(fp: PathLike)
- with static msg: "No such file or directory" Source Edit
func raiseFileNotFoundError(fp: PathLike; err: OSErrorCode)
- under Windows, both ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND and ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND lead to FileNotFoundError, at pass err to distinguish them Source Edit