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Some iterable in builtins

XXX: For JS backend: Currently due to Nim's inner buys, using of some iterable functions in this modules may result in Error: ...:

  • list(...)
  • filter/map/... as func (using iterator is okey) (solved after Nim-2.1.1)

For details, trace:


func enumerate[T](x: Iterable[T]; start = 0): Enumerate[T]
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func filter[T](comp: NoneType; iter: Iterable[T]): Filter[T]
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func filter[T](comp: proc (arg: T): bool; iter: Iterable[T]): Filter[T]
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func map[T, R](function: proc (x: T): R; iterable: Iterable[T]): Map[T]
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func reversed[T](x: Sequence[T]): Reversed[T]
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func zip[A, B](it1: Iterable[A]; it2: Iterable[B]; strict: static[bool] = false): Zip[
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iterator enumerate[T](x: Iterable[T]; start = 0): (int, T)
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iterator filter[T](comp: NoneType; iter: Iterable[T]): T
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iterator filter[T](comp: proc (arg: T): bool; iter: Iterable[T]): T
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iterator map[T, R](function: proc (x: T): R; iterable: Iterable[T]): R
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iterator reversed[T](x: Sequence[T]): T
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iterator zip[A, B](it1: Iterable[A]; it2: Iterable[B];
                   strict: static[bool] = false): (A, B)
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template items(x: Enumerate): untyped
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template items(x: Filter): untyped
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template items(x: Map): untyped
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template items(x: Reversed): untyped
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template items(x: Zip): untyped
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